입트영 3월 9일 - 식물을 이용한 실내장식 Plants as docor

저도 식물을 좋아해서 집에 식물이 엄청 많은데요. 처음 식물 키울 때의 그 설렘과 기다림이 생각나네요. 매일 달라지는 파릇파릇한 녀석들을 보는 게 너무 재밌었던 기억이 납니다. 지금은 식태기인지 좀 시들해졌네요. 그래도 여전히 식물은 좋아합니다 ㅋ 

입트영 3월 9일 식물을 이용한 실내장식

한글 지문
플랜테리어는 plant와 interior를 합친 합성어이다. 요즘 숲 속처럼 보이게 인테리어를 한 백화점을 많이 볼 수 있다. 실내에서 보는 숲속 인테리어는 안구를 정화시켜주고 힐링을 제공한다.

혼자 사는 가구나 가정집에서도 허브나 꽃 등을 흔히 기른다. 이러한 식물은 유익한 취미 생활이 될 뿐만 아니라 심신을 안정시키는 데 도움을 주기도 한다. 허브와 꽃의 은은한 향이 집 안을 가득 채우면서 사람들의 기분을 좋게 해 준다. 식물을 키우며 느끼는 즐거움이나 성취감도 또 다른 재미이다.

나도 요즘 식물에 부쩍 관심을 갖기 시작했다. 장점이 많은 허브 종류를 키워 볼까 한다. 우리 집은 반려동물을 키우기 때문에 식물이 탈취제 역할을 해주기를 기대한다.

내가 해본 영작 
Planterior is a mix word of plant and interior. These days, there are many department stores that are decorated looking like a forest. Indoor forest interior clears our eyes and gives us healing.

Household that people live alone or with family also usually grow herb or flowers. These plants become your interesting hobby and help your mind carm as well. Herbs and flowers make the house be fiiled with the mild scent, so it makes people mood-lifting. Happiness and a sense of accomplishment that you can feel while you're growing plants are also another fun.

I also started being interested in plants these days. I try to grow a kind of herbs that have many benefits. Our family have a pet, so I expect that plants would play a role as an odor-eliminator.


입트영 3월 9일 Using plants for interior decoration

1. Planterior is a compound word combining plant and interior.

compound word : 합성어
combining : ~의 결합


2. You can often see department store interiors decorated to look like forests these days. Seeing forests indoors soothes the eyes and offers a sense of healing

decorated to look like : ~처럼 보이게 꾸민
soothe the eyes : 눈을 쉬게 해 주다
offer a sense of healing : 힐링을 제공하다
My favorite restaurant is decorated to look like a beachside bungalow.
내가 가장 좋아하는 음식점은 해변의 방갈로처럼 보이게 꾸며놓았다. 

My daughter's bedroom is decorated to look like a princess's room. 
내 딸의 방을 공주님 방처럼 꾸몄다. 


3. Herbs and flowers are also commonly kept in single-person households and by families. In addition to being a worthwhile hobby, these plants helps to relax the mind and body.

be kept in : 길러지다
single-person household : 1인 가구
in addition to : ~에 더하여, ~일뿐 아니라 
worthwhile hobby : 유익한 취미
relax the mind and body : 심신을 안정시키다
The scent of lavender helps to relax the mind and body
라벤더 향은 심신안정에 도움이 된다. 

Yoga is a good way to relax the mind and body
요가는 심신을 안정시키는 좋은 방법이다. 


4. The subtle scent of herbs and flowers fills the house and lifts the mood of its residents. The fun and sense of accomplishment afforded by raising plants is another plus

subtle scent : 은은한 향기
lift the mood : 기분을 좋게 해 주다
sense of accomplishment : 성취감
affored by : ~에 의해서 제공(부여)되는


5. I've begun to take an interest in plants these days myself. I'm planning on raising beneficial herbs. 

take an interest in : ~에 관심을 갖다
be planning on : ~을 할 계획이다


6. Since we have companion animals in the house, I hope the plants will act as odor-eliminators. 

companion animal : 반려동물
act as odor-eliminator : 탈취제 기능을 하다
Coffee grounds are an effective odor-eliminator
커피 찌꺼기는 효과적인 탈취제이다. 

This type of wood is an all-natural odor-eliminator
이런 종류의 목재는 천연 탈취제이다. 

* all-natural : 천연의

Dialogue Practice

A : Wow, This feels just like being in a forest! 
B : It really does. 
A : This style of interior design seems to be all the rage these days. 
B : You're right. it's all over the place.
A : it creates the illusion of walking in a real forest.  
B : I like how relaxing it is. 
feels just like : 마치 ~처럼 느껴지다
style of interior design : 인테리어 스타일
be all the rage : 유행이다, 인기다
all over the place : 만연한
create the illusion of  : ~의 느낌을 자아내다


혼자 묻고 답하기

Q. Why do you think plants are such a popular element of interior design?

A. The green color of plants makes the indoor place lively. I think this is because plants are literally alive. They always change and grow. Modern people who spend in artificial places most of the day can't help loving natural things.


Q. Describe any plants you keep at home or in the office. How do you care for them?

A. I raise various kind of plants at home. I put my plants in front of the window so that they could gat a lot of sunlight. I ventilate frequently to prevent pest, and pour water when the pot becomes lighter. 


Q. Share some tips for creating a stylish and comfortable environment.

A. I think the indoor space where plants feel comfortable is a place where people also feel comfortable. Appropriate sunlight, humidity and wind are needed. stylish places are where natural and artificial things harmonize well. 


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