How to spot pathological and compulsive liar

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How to spot pathological and compulsive liar. 

We have all been lied to at one point or another. We are all familiar with the feeling of doubting whether or not the person's story adds up or makes sense. In fact, not being honest with others or even with yourself can be a natural behavior.  

Lying can be done for a myriad of reasons and sometimes a lie can be helpful and protective. For example, telling a  child that their dad can't take them to the baseball game because he has to work and make money-when, in realty, dad is day-drinking at the bar down the street. The small child can not handle or understand the truth so a story is concocted in order to protect the child.  

Many of my clients with an OCD diagnosis will cover up the truth in order to avoid facing situations that terrify them, in turn, protecting themselves. Lies that are designated to protect are very different from habitual lying.  
For one, the driving force of protective lies is to prevent the individual from feeling extreme discomfort or doubt for their safety. Also, the person only engages in lying as a way to avoid or get out of whatever they are fearful or uncomfortable of facing. The person does not get an adrenaline rush or high from telling the lie - only the feeling of relief when the lie allows them to escape the dangerous situation.  

However, what happens when lies become habitual and the person has substantial difficulty stopping themselves from telling them. This maladaptive pattern can cause problem for the compulsive liar and all of their friends, family, co-workers, and strangers. How can you tell if you are around someone who is compulsive about lying? 
Here are four ways to identify a pathological liar. 


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How to spot pathological and compulsive liar. 


We have all been lied to at one point or another. we are all familiar with the doubt that the person's story adds up and makes sense. In fact, not being honest to others or even themselves can be a natural act. 


Lies(Lying) can be done for a myriad of reasons and sometimes a lie can be helpful and protective. For example, telling a child that their dad can't take them to the baseball game because he has to work and make money - when, in reality, dad is day-drinking at the bar down the street. The small child can not handle or understand the truth, so a story is concocted in order to protect the child. 


Many of my clients with an OCD diagnosis will cover up the truth in order to avoid facing situations that terrify them, in turn, prtecting themselves. Lies that are designated to protect(protective) are very different from habitual lying. First one, the driving force of protective lies is to prevent the individual from feeling extreme discomfort or doubt for their safety. Also the person only engages in lying as a way in order to avoid or get out of whatever they are fearful or uncomfortable of facing. The person does not get an adrenaline rush or high from telling the lie - only the feeling of relief when the lie allows them to escape(avoid) the dangerous situation. 


However, what happens when lies become habitual and the person has subtantial difficulty stopping themselves from telling a lie. The maladaptive pattern can cause problems for the compulsive liar and all of their friends, family, co-workers and strangers. How can you tell if you are around someone who is compulsive about lying? There are 4 ways to identify pathological liar.  



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