perfect harmony between pork belly and baked potato

We had a grilled pork belly for dinner today.
We set the table outside and enjoyed dinner in a romantic mood. The mellow music was flowed from Youtube channel I picked. Yellow light was shining over our heads.

Gon seemed to be proud of his cooking of pork. I also admit that his pork is getting tastier. Maybe I think it’s because of garlic salt we bought lately. The magic powder seems to make all the foods more delicious. Also we found that baked potatoes in pork oil are fantastic. Why didn’t we know that so far? I feel like we are gonna eat these pork belly and potato dishes often this fall.



We had a grilled pork belly for dinner today.
We set the dinner table outside and enjoyed it in romantic mood. The mellow music is flowed in Youtube channel I picked. Yellow light was bright on our head.

Gon is proud of his grilling pork skill. I admit that his pork is getting more delicious. Maybe it’s because of garlic salt we bought lately I think. The magic powder can make food more good. Also we found that grilled potatos in pork oil are fantastic. Why didn’t we know that so far? I feel like we are eating these pork belly and potato very frequently this autum.


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