my cat ate frogs.

I saw the scene that my cat eating a frog.
It was horrible and disgusting.
What the hell are you eating here!!!”

At first, I heard that my cat chomping on something.
when I ran there in surprise,the frog was being dead already.

“Are you serious?! I didn’t know that you like eating frogs.”
I won’t kiss my cat for next three days.

Rest in peace, frog.

도대체 개구리가 어디로 들어와서 고양이한테 먹힌걸까. 그나저나 개구리 고기가 그렇게 맛있나?
다림이가 꽤 만족스러워 보였다.

where the hell did frog come from and get eaten by the cat?
By the way, are frogs that delicious?
My cat seemed satisfied.


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